Protect your Email Account: Country Authentication Restrictions

What does this mean?
Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it declares itself to be, in this case, a username and password. So what this means is you are going to set up what countries in which your username and password can be used in.

This helps prevent email abuse and unauthorized access. If you never leave the U.S. why would you want foreign agents trying to log into your account? Enabling this feature prevents that.

How to enable.

Go to or and click the email icon.

Log into your account.

In the left-hand sidebar menu click “Security Options”.

At the bottom of that page, you will see “Country Authentication Restrictions”

Click “Create Country Restrictions”

You will see two option the easiest option for most users is going to be “Deny ALL except for the countries” click the radial button.

On the Right side is “Allowed Countries” The United States is already populated. If you want to add select the country on the left and click the arrow over. When done click Save Country Restrictions.

That’s it!